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cultural competence

A person’s ability to interact effectively with people of different cultures. Cultural competence has four components: (a) Awareness of one’s own cultural worldview; (b) Attitude towards cultural differences; (c) Knowledge...


An umbrella term used to describe people with different physical, emotional, and cognitive abilities.


Under the medical model, this term refers to a limitation or loss of physiological abilities, whether apparent or not. These can be physical, cognitive, learning, and visual disabilities. Under the...


Any form of unequal treatment based on a ground protected by human rights legislation, that results in disadvantage, whether imposing extra burdens or denying benefits. Discrimination can be intentional or...

dominant group

A group that is considered more powerful and privileged in a particular society or context and that has power and influence over others.

drag king/drag queen

Someone who dresses in the clothing of the “opposite” gender for performance. Drag performers can be of any gender identity or sexual orientation.

duty to accommodate

The legal obligation that employers, organizations, service providers and public institutions have under human rights legislation to ensure fair and equal access to services in a way that respects the...


The practice of ensuring equal treatment to all people, without consideration of individual and group diversities.


The practice of ensuring fair, inclusive and respectful treatment of all people, with consideration of individual and group diversities. Access to services, supports and opportunities and attaining economic, political and...


A socially defined category or membership of people who may share a nationality, heritage, language, culture and/or religion.


A person whose enduring physical, romantic, spiritual, emotional, and/or sexual attractions are to people of the same gender. The word can refer to men or women, although some women prefer...


Gender is based on the expectations and stereotypes about behaviours, actions, and roles linked to being a “man” or “woman” within a particular culture or society. The social norms related...

genderqueer/gender non-conforming/gender variant

Individuals who do not follow gender stereotypes based on the sex they were assigned at birth. They may identify and express themselves as “feminine men” or “masculine women” or as...

gender binary

A social system whereby people are thought to have either one of two genders: “man” or “woman.” These genders are expected to correspond to birth sex: male or female. In...

gender expression

How a person publicly expresses or presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person’s chosen name and...

gender identity

A person’s internal and individual experience of gender. It is a person’s sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. A person’s gender...

gender norms

The gender binary influences what society considers “normal” or acceptable behaviour, dress, appearance and roles for women and men. Gender norms are a prevailing force in our everyday lives. Strength,...

gender role

The oppressive culturally and historically specific expectations and restrictions that are placed on a person based on whether they are assigned at birth as male or female.

gender spectrum

The representation of gender as a continuum, as opposed to a binary concept.


A course of comments or actions, such as unwelcome attention, jokes, threats, remarks, name-calling, touching or other behaviours that are known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome,...

hate crime

Criminal acts which promote hatred against identifiable groups of people, motivated by bias, prejudice or hate. Although individuals and groups that promote this destructive form of human rights-based discrimination often...


Refers to the commonplace assumption that all people are heterosexual and that everyone accepts this as “the norm”. The term heteronormativity is used to describe prejudice against people that are...


The assumption that everyone is heterosexual and that heterosexuality is superior and preferable. The result is discrimination against bisexual, lesbian and gay people that is less overt, and which may...


Negative attitudes, feelings, or irrational aversion to, fear or hatred of gay, lesbian, or people and communities, or of behaviours stereotyped as “homosexual.” It is used to signify a hostile...

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