Elgin Pecjak

Ph.D. Candidate in Feminist and Gender Studies | BA in Anthropology & Sociology and a MA in Cultural Analysis and Social Theory

Experience in LGBT2SQ research

My background in 2SLGBTQQIA+ research and health incorporates qualitative and quantitative data, including surveys, focus groups, interviews, and secondary source literature. My knowledge base is in 2SLGBTQQIA+ reproduction with an emphasis on transgender and gender-diverse experiences and desires. I have used intersectionality, queer theory, kinship studies, and others to examine heteronormativity and it’s implications in 2SLGBTQQIA+ health.

Interest in LGBT2SQ research

My current interest is in desire for biogenetic parenthood among Two-Spirit, transgender, and gender-diverse people living in Canada. I study reproductive technology use, specifically egg freezing, and explore the biomedicalization of 2SLGBTQQIA+ bodies. I am currently working on a chapter regarding experiences of menstruation among transgender and gender-diverse people and another exploring reproductive technology use and sterilization of transgender and gender-diverse people in Canada.

Published Work

  • IN PROGRESS- Pecjak, E. (NA). Menstruation and gender neutrality: Experiences of menstruation among transgender and gender diverse individuals in Canada. In F. Scala and L. Smith (Eds.), Northern Blood: The Politics of Menstruation in Canada (n.p). McGill-Queen’s University Press (MQUP).
  • IN PROGRESS- Pecjak, E. (NA). Freezing in Canada: The State of Egg Freezing Among Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals Taking Testosterone. In A. Cattapan and M. Gaucher (Eds.), “All Politics are Reproductive Politics”: An Interdisciplinary Conversation (n.p). University of British Columbia Press.