Melanie Morrison

Social Psychology

Experience in LGBT2SQ research

Large CIHR-funded grants with a focus on multiple marginalities, vulnerabilities, and resilience.

Interest in LGBT2SQ research

Large CIHR-funded grants with a focus on multiple marginalities, vulnerabilities, and resilience.

Published Work

  • Morrison, M.A., Jewell, L.M., McCutcheon, J.M., & Cochrane, D. (in press). In the face of anti-LGBQ behaviour: Saskatchewan high-school students
  • Jewell, L.M., McCutcheon, J., Harriman, R.L., & Morrison, M.A. (2012). "It
  • Morrison, M.A. (2011). Psychological health correlates of perceived discrimination among Canadian gay men and lesbian women. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 30, 81-98.
  • Morrison, M.A., & Morrison, T.G. (2011). Sexual orientation bias toward gay men and lesbian women: Modern homonegative attitudes and their associations with discriminatory behavioural intentions. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41, 2573-2599.
  • Jewell, L.M., & Morrison, M.A. (2010). "But there