PACT Adult Study

Researcher bios and how their research backgrounds relate to this study

Dr. Dermody (she/her) is the Director of the Clinical Addictions Research and Equity (CARE) Lab at Toronto Metropolitan University. She received her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology and Biological & Health Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh and completed an accredited internship at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Dr. Dermody’s research investigates the risk factors and treatments for substance use and addiction in youth and adults. More specifically, her research aims to (1) characterize the risk of alcohol and cigarette use and dependence across the lifespan; (2) optimize addiction interventions to address co-occurring substance use, and (3) identify and address differences in substance use patterns and harms based on one’s gender and sexual identities.

Purpose of this research project

This preliminary study aims to examine the experiences of alcohol use in 100 trans adults living in Canada. Additionally, it seeks to better understand the predictors and consequences of alcohol use among trans folks. 

How this research will help LGBT2SQ people and communities

The aim of this research is to better understand the factors that lead to experiencing harms from drinking for trans individuals. Understanding these factors will help us develop gender-inclusive interventions to reduce alcohol harms. Further, we hope to get feedback from trans individuals about their experiences participating in the study to ensure that we carry out our research in a way that is inclusive and empowering.


-You are of legal drinking age in the province/territory you live in (i.e., 18-19+)
-Identify as trans and/or identify under the trans umbrella (e.g., non-binary, agender, genderfluid, transmasc, transfemme, intergender etc.)
-Live in Canada
-Drink alcohol


Incentives of up to $200 CAD in e-gift cards will be provided. Participants will be able to choose from the following options: President’s Choice, urBasics, and Giftogram.

Mitigation measures

Participants will receive contact information for community and peer-support resources that may be relevant to them, including mental health, substance use, and trans-specific services. Participants also have the opportunity to provide feedback about their participation in the study so that we can modify our procedures to prevent unintended distress for future participants.

Promoting the Study

Social media (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, X [Twitter], Reddit, Discord, etc.,), Kijiji, lab website, email listservs, dating apps (e.g. Grindr, Tinder, Bumble, HER, etc.,), posters and flyers in the community (e.g., community notice boards, postcards, transit ads, etc.).