Bisexual Pride/Anti-Stigma Campaign (Postcards)

Bisexual Pride/Anti-Stigma Campaign (Postcards)

The Bisexual Pride/Anti-Stigma Campaign was developed to help bring visibility to bisexual people in our communities.

The poster was developed and funded by Rainbow Health Ontario in partnership with the Re:searching LGBT Health Team at the Centre for Addiction and Health in Toronto (

Excerpt from the back of the postcards:

“This is my community…but it doesn’t always feel that way because myths and stereotypes about bisexual people and others who are attracted to more than one sex or gender. This is called biphobia-and like homophobia, it hurts everyone in our community.

We are proud to be bisexual and proud to be part of the LGBTQ community. Let’s work together to challenge biphobic myths and stereotypes, increase bisexual visibility, and celebrate the contributions that bisexuals make to our communities.”

This campaign also includes posters and buttons which are available in the RHO store.

The postcards come in packs of 20 (5 of each image).