Around the Rainbow is a 3-year project in the Ottawa area which has the purpose of working with the gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, Two Spirit, and queer (LGBTTQ) community, and allies, to support diverse families in childcare, preschools, schools and the community. The project was initiated officially by Family Services à la famille Ottawa and Pink Triangle Services. We focus on those who serve 0-6 year olds and their families. The project has many components, including trainings to educators and parents, a community Art Project, and a parents group for LGBTTQ-headed families. The overarching goal of the Project is to create an inclusive space for children from LGBTTQ families, to reduce the homophobia they experience, as well as their sense of isolation. Our objectives are:
– To expand our network of people, parents, educators and service providers, to work together to support glbttq families. Community partners and the coalition.
– To consult with parents and the community to identify the strengths, challenges and needs of glbttq parents and their children.
– To create resources such as toolkits and training for parents, educators and service providers.
– To increase awareness through education and community events