As part of the Trans Care Project, a joint initiative of the Transgender Health Program and Transcend Transgender Support & Education Society (with funding by the Canadian Rainbow Health Coalition), local and international experts in transgender care worked with local members of the transgender community to create 7 sets of guidelines for health and social service providers in BC, and 17 health information booklets for transgender people and loved ones.
The first chapter of this document, “Clinical Management of Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents”, offers an overview of the clinical issues in caring for the adolescent who wishes to undergo sex reassignment. The second chapter in this document, “Ethical, Legal, and Psychosocial Issues in Care of Transgender Adolescents”, is written by local professionals who work with a broader range of transgender adolescents in the community setting. It is intended to assist family physicians, community health nurses, social workers, school counsellors, and others providing more general care to transgender adolescents.