Huronia Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic:

3331 4 Line North, Shanty Bay

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What we offer:

The Huronia Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic provides primary health care services and preventive care to people of all ages. Whether you need to have a complete physical or need to visit us with a minor illness or to manage a chronic or complex illness, the clinic is here for you or your family.

Our Staff:

We are staffed by four Primary Health Care Nurse Practitioners. Our interprofessional team includes nurses, a social worker, a dietitian, a pharmacist, and consulting physicians (visiting the clinic weekly).  We have an administrative support team that includes an Administrative Lead and Administrative Support staff.  Our team works together to meet your health care needs and goals.

What is a Nurse Practitioner?

Nurse Practitioners are nurses that have additional education and licencing to provide primary health care to individuals and families.  They can do complete physical examinations, order diagnostic tests like ultrasounds, X-rays or mammograms, order bloodwork to screen for illness or disease, diagnose illness and disease and prescribe medications necessary for you.

When care is beyond the Nurse Practitioner’s scope to manage, a physician is consulted.  If necessary, you will be seen by both the Nurse Practitioner and the visiting physician.

Service provider type: