133 Hazelton Ave, Suite 101, Suite 101
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Marc DuPere
Plastic Surgeon - M.D., C.M., F.R.C.S.C
1. Classic aesthetic procedures for women, men and transgender patients.
2. Breast augmentation
3. Buttock implants
4. Hip implants
5. Facial feminization:
– Tracheal shave
– Rhinoplasty
– Frontal bossing shaving, brown lifting and scalp advancement
– Feminizing upper lids
– Fat grafting to lips and cheeks for ladies
– Fat grafting to chin and angles of jaw for males
– Chin reduction, shaving and augmentation with implants (oval for ladies, square for males)
– Cheek implants
– Jaw angle implants
– Chin implant
6. Pectoral implants
7. Etching
8. Differential abdominal muscle tightening for a better hourglass shape when performing a tummy-tuck
9. Calf implants
10. Brazilian butt lift with fat grafting to butt and hips
11. FTM Top surgery (Mastectomy and chest wall reconstruction).
12. Fat Grafting