Whole Family Psychotherapy

550 Parkside Dr, Unit B13, Waterloo

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Whole Family Psychotherapy is a primarily virtual private therapy clinic specializing in perinatal mental health (pre-conception, pregnancy, postpartum and beyond), and also offer services for children, youth and teens.   Services are open to all Ontario residents.

Annette is a Registered Social Worker (MSW) and Perinatal specialist with 16 years of experience providing counselling to children, parents and families. Annette offers individual therapy and parenting support for parents in the perinatal period as well as later stages of parenting – her services are completely virtual.

As a queer parent herself, Annette has a deep interest in supporting queer families who often do not see their families’ identities and experiences reflected in the supports they access and deserve a space that feels affirming of their family.

While becoming a parent can bring joy and fulfillment, the changes and stressors that accompany the perinatal period (pre and postpartum) can also have substantial impacts on a parent’s mental health. Nothing can easily prepare parents for this significant new role, and our expectations tend not to line up with reality. New parents are often overwhelmed with how all consuming caring for a baby can be, are managing challenging shifts in their important relationships, and may not yet have the capacity, support or skills to cope.

It is so important to feel heard and understood whether you are a new parent or in later stages of parenting. I offer individual therapy and parenting support sessions to help parents navigate this significant transitional period in their lives. I will support you to make meaningful gains in addressing the unique challenges you are facing, and help to increase your sense of ease in parenting. I will help you understand and validate your own needs to assist you in accessing family and community support. I will work with you to help you understand your child’s various emotional needs, provide insight into your child’s behaviour, and help you build a sense of confidence in your new role. Together, we will build resilience and capacity to work through this challenging time.

Prior to my work in Perinatal Mental Health, I worked for many years in infant, child and youth mental health. This work with children focused on parent-child relationships, which led to my strong interest in providing perinatal mental health support to parents during these often challenging early months and years of parenting.

I am committed to understanding and supporting you through your parenting experience from a place of deep compassion and acceptance for you as a person and the various identities, roles and experiences you bring with you. I recognize and celebrate the expansive ways families take shape and aim to support you to feel a sense of belonging and contentment within them and foster a sense of possibility and connection with yourself, your child(ren), and your support system.

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