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491 Listings

Media Inquiries

Rainbow Health Ontario regularly comments on topics related to 2SLGBTQ health. Please contact our Communications Officer if you have a media request. Journalists may also be interested in downloading our...


This 2SLGBTQ terms and definitions Glossary was created by The 519 Church Street Community Centre, with some additional terms added to this website by Rainbow Health Ontario. Please visit The...

RHO Publications & Resources

RHO creates and distributes resources for 2SLGBTQ communities, service providers and others with an interest in 2SLGBTQ health. You can access just RHO-produced resources below, or search our extensive Resource...

Healthcare Provider

Training & Learning 2SLGBTQ communities face specific health challenges and barriers to accessing care. RHO offers training for health care and social service providers to increase their clinical and cultural...

Service User

Featured Resources for Service Users 4th edition: Sherbourne’s Guidelines for gender-affirming primary care with trans and non-binary patients This edition of Sherbourne’s Guidelines for gender-affirming primary care with trans and...

Community Member or Advocate

Positive Space Resources Media Reference Guide: Discussing Trans and Gender Diverse People Are you covering stories about trans and gender-diverse people? This guide and its accompanying handy tip sheet will...

Researcher or Policy Professional

Open 2SLGBTQ health research Running until July 1, 2025 An intersectional approach to capturing the service needs of perpetrators and survivors of intimate partner violence View details Running until May...

Practice or Organizational Change Leader

Training & Learning 2SLGBTQ communities face specific health challenges and barriers to accessing care. RHO offers training for health care and social service providers to increase their clinical and cultural...

Donate Now

Rainbow Health Ontario creates opportunities for the health care system to better serve 2SLGBTQ communities. RHO’s work is primarily funded by Ontario Health but also relies on generous support of...

Read Sherbourne Health's letter to the Canadian Senate in support of Bill C-16

Hazelle Palmer, CEO, Sherbourne Health, wrote: “As an organization deeply committed to the health and well-being of LGBT2SQ populations, we wholeheartedly support Bill C-16’s proposed amendments to the Canadian Human...

Trans primary care guide first online, interactive tool for Canadian healthcare providers

Toronto, Nov. 17, 2016 Easy-to-use interactive map will assist healthcare providers in offering advanced care to trans and gender-diverse patients. On Nov. 24, 2016, Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO), a program...

Trans primary care guide first online, interactive tool for Canadian healthcare providers

Pour les détails, veuillez consulter la page anglais....

Sherbourne Health welcomes news of C-16 passing third reading

Sherbourne Health welcomes news of C-16 passing third reading June 15, 2017 Sherbourne Health, including Rainbow Health Ontario, is ecstatic that Bill C-16, An Act to amend the Canadian Human...

Registration is Open for the Fifth Biennial Rainbow Health Ontario Conference: Because LGBT2SQ Health Matters

Oct. 30, 2017 Register today on our What We Do page to join agents of change in LGBT2SQ health and wellness at the largest LGBT2SQ health conference in Canada. Early...

Les inscriptions à la 5e conférence biennale Santé arc-en-ciel Ontario sont maintenant ouvertes, car la santé LGBT2SQ, ça compte!

Inscrivez-vous aujourd’hui à et joignez-vous à des personnes qui souhaitent être agentes de changement pour la santé et le bien-être des personnes LGBT2SQ dans le cadre de la plus importante...

Be part of setting an LGBT2SQ Health Research Agenda for Ontario

We’re at an important time in the history of LGBT2SQ health research, with research in this area growing. However, there remain significant gaps in evidence, creating challenges for policy and...

Participez à la mise sur pied d’un plan de travail pour la recherche sur la santé des personnes LGBT2SQ en Ontario

Nous vivons une étape importante de l’histoire de la recherche sur la santé des personnes LGBT2SQ – la recherche dans ce domaine connaît en effet une bonne croissance. Des lacunes...

LGBT2SQI2S Health and Wellness Design Jam in Vancouver Seeks to Bridge Gaps in Knowledge

The sometimes slow speed of systems change is a common challenge in improving health and well-being—one that sometimes delays the positive impacts that research findings can have on people’s lives...

SARAVYC report on experiences with gender-affirming surgeries: Ontario findings validate ongoing work of the Trans Health Expansion, highlight additional gaps

March 14, 2018 A new report from UBC’s Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre (SARAVYC) shows a snapshot in time of trans people’s experiences with transition-related surgeries (TRS) in...

Rapport du SARAVYC sur l’expérience vécue par les clientèles en chirurgie affirmative du genre : les conclusions pour l’Ontario confirment celles des travaux de Connexion santé trans en plus de relever d’autres lacunes

Le 14 mars, 2018 Un nouveau rapport du SARAVYC, Stigma and Resilience Among Vulnerable Youth Centre, de l’Université de la Colombie-Britannique (UBC) livre un portrait de la situation actuelle du...

Rainbow Health Ontario Conference opens March 21, 2018, in Sudbury, Ontario

March 15, 2018 Canada’s largest conference on LGBT2SQ health will bring together over 325 healthcare providers, researchers, policy-makers, community members and advocates. Rainbow Health Ontario (RHO) invites you to join...

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