160 Traders Boulevard East, Mississauga
Get directionsAssociated Youth Services of Peel provides many services free of charge including: family programs, child and youth programs, justice programs and groups.
Youth Beyond Barriers – The YBB Program provides confidential services for youth who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, Intersex, Queer, Questioning, 2-Spirited (LGBTTIQQ2S) through a support and education group, individual counselling, and through social media. The YBB group brings together LGBTTIQQ2S youth to share their experiences and talk about issues that matter to them. The group offers support and education on a range of relevant issues and topics. It is an open group that operates year round. Individual counselling is available for youth aged 12-17, identifying as LGBTTIQQ2S and requiring support. Additionally, support can be provided for parents/caregivers of youth involved in the program.
The YBB Program facilitates educational workshops, trainings, and community events to raise awareness regarding LGBTTIQQ2S issues and other forms of oppression. The program provides support and service to the Gay-Straight Alliances in the Peel District School Board schools.